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Video Art: Sancar and Melek

Courtesy of Ágota Horváth from Hungary

Song Lyrics in English:

Mit tehetnék érted / What Could I Do For You

I wasn't born a wizard

I can not make miracles happen

And I think, by now, you have noticed

I am not the good fairy either

But if this dark gloom would

Disappear from your face

I would feel like there still are wonders

What could I do for you

To chase your sadness away?

To break the evil spell

Deep inside your soul?

What could I do for you

To bring happiness in your heart?

What could I do, tell me!

I don't have a wand

With which I can make anything disappear

And there are so many things

That you can't make go away

But if this dark gloom would

Disappear from your face

I would feel like there still are wonders

What could I do for you

To chase your sadness away?

To break the evil spell

Deep inside your soul?

What could I do for you

To bring happiness in your heart?

What could I do, tell me!

I don't have seven mile long boots

I don't have a magic cloak

And that i will still be with you tomorrow

I can not promise

But if this dark gloom would

Disappear from your face

I would feel like there still are wonders

What could I do for you

To chase your sadness away?

To break the evil spell

Deep inside your soul?

What could I do for you

To bring happiness in your heart?

What could I do, tell me!

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