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Those Smiles Saved Me

Courtesy of Fatemeh Ranjbari

Hello every one;

I don't want to write too much about my life and the situation wich I experienced in the last one year of my life. I just want to say that a person who was trapped in a darkness wich was leading her to death,was saved by ENGİN's smiles,and that was me. I ask any one who reads this text to spread it in any way he/she can Because I want every one who knows ENGİN as a great actor and great personality, Know him as a life saver too.


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Irma Probert
Irma Probert
Sep 09, 2020

Stay safe and strong Fatemeh and may Engin,s smile brighten all our lives for many more years to come. We all appreciate this outstanding actor so much.

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