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Once upon a time…in Istanbul

Courtesy of Ingrid Lavandier García from Dominican Republic

I am sending you a story that I wrote with the main characters that Engin Akyürek has played. In English and Spanish.

Imagination allows us to do some crazy things. What if we can put together some of the characters that Engin Akyürek has acted out in a funny story? Let's let the wit fly.

I hope you enjoy.


In the district of Kadiköy, located in the Asian part of the city of Istanbul, in an old mansion belonging to a Turkish-German family, moved in an eccentric gentleman from Mardin. The servants commented in the tea room, where they played backgamon with their friends from the neighborhood, they had heard a conversation where the gentleman said that he had moved away from his family because his heart was divided between his wife and and the woman he truly loves but does not love him back. The mysterious man was paranoid, had persecutory delusions, and every night they heard screams, footsteps, locks that opened, doors that broke. His name, Mustafa Bulut.

One morning he announced that he had visited a blacksmith shop located a few streets away from the mansion, and that he had spoken with the head of the shop to put bars on all the doors and windows of the house. The owner of the workshop visited the house to evaluate the work, and told them that a year ago he had returned with his large family from Australia. He was kind, talkative and very charismatic. His name, Kerim Ilgaz.

After several days of work, Mustafa told Kerim that a former hospital companion, along with several criminals from Mardin were chasing him, They wereenemies because in a fight he had broken several of his ribs, an arm and three teeth. Kerim suggested to Mustafa to go to the Police Station to file a complaint, and offered to accompany him.

In the Police Station they were received by the new commander of the Kadiköy district, a several times honored officer for his fight against the mafias and crime, and who had just arrived from Bursa. He was a handsome man, with a seductive look, preceded by his reputation as an incorruptible policeman. In the corridors of the headquarters, it was rumored that in his missions he was secretly helped by his beautiful wife who has the soul of a policewoman. His name Omer Demir.

The Commissioner, Omer Demir, meet with them and took Mustafa's statement and immediately began an investigation. With personnel from the police station, he installed security cameras, secured the perimeter of the house and waited for the criminals. After several days of surveillance, he found out that there were no such criminals. It was Mr. Bulut, who under a disturbing insomnia destroyed the doors and windows.

Commissioner Omer invited Kerim to accompany him to a night of surveillance. Both of them could see the figure of Mustafa fighting with an imaginary enemy whom he called "spy of the CIA", and shouting with all his strength the name of "Dr .Serdaaaaar. "

After the investigation, Commander Omer told Kerim that they should help Mustafa overcome his mental crisis and suggested that they contact a psychiatrist who was his acquaintance, an expert who takes care of people with this type of mental disorder. He revealed to him the sad background of the doctor, who in his youth was imprisoned 11 years for a crime he did not commit, and then how his desire for revenge, he fell into the hands of the underworld and was seriously injured. After six months in a coma he recovered, finished his medicine studies and specialized in Psychiatry, he was single because he said he had no luck finding love. His name, Daghan Soysur.

Omer and Kerim visited Dr. Soysur in his office and narrated to him Mustafa’s story. Dr. Soysur suggested that due to Mustafá's medical history, it was preferable to start a friendship and spend some time together, to have the opportunity to know him. They planned a weekend trip to the forest, and at night they could see Mustafa been attacked by his imaginary enemies while sleepwalking.

Once in Istanbul, they met again. Dr. Soysur suggested to the others, that in order to help Mustafa overcome his mental traumas, more than conventional medicine he recommended a healing cure, just as he had done with another of his patients who, had overcome a very complicated psychological trauma. He introduced them to a handsome architect, who after listening to the story, agreed to help them. His name, Kerem Bey.

They traveled to a remote village (Assos) and "convinced" Mustafa to participate in a collective healing ceremony. The healer arranged them in a circle around a large bonfire and whipped them with branches of rosemary and other herbs, until they enter into a state of trance. In the midst of the paroxysm, poems about Istanbul, and love songs were heard; desperate cries, cranes singing, each had a guilt to atone.

The details of the rite are unknown, but we can say that it achieved a collective purification effect. After that, Mustafá dedicated himself to helping the poor children of Mardin, accompanied by his wife and his impossible love. Kerim was successful in his workshop and his kind wife is the owner of the restaurant “The Rose of Fatmagül and was business partner with the best patissier in Istanbul, a friendly and ingovernable boy, called Kadir. Omar and his wife owned a few bookstores and helped young people who wanted to enter the police academy. Daghan got inner peace and was dating a beautiful journalist. Kerem went to travel around the world with a new project that he wanted to promote.

Months later… the friends gathered to welcome him to Kerem and listen to the anecdotes of his long journey. After a while of talking, he told them of his concern that a film director friend was going through a confusing moment in his life. His name Umut Atay.

This young director had gone through traumatic experiences like all of them, and he had to make important decisions to define the horizon of his life. One part of his brain saw life in pink and the other part in blue.

Kerem told them it was time to help this friend put his life in order and direct the movie of his dreams. From this moment on, they toured the streets and places of the Fashion district in Kadikoy for many nights, sharing life experiences until Umut found the perfect balance for his new movie.

These wonderful men, friends forever, made Umut a comfortable space in their lives. Friendship is a strong link for these characters.

Now they are organizing a trip to Mugla with their families, they want to tour its small cities, coasts, mountains, ride yachts and learn to dive in its transparent waters.

UmutAtay has a friend who owns the Bodrum marina and beautiful olive groves who promised them a pleasant stay for their vacation. His name is Sancar Efeoglu.

To be continued...

The story I’m telling you spread from mouth to mouth, from neighborhood to neighborhood, from city to city, from country to country, from continent to continent. These five characters penetrated the heart of every woman who heard the story, creating feelings of hope, love, passion, making them dream of a beautiful love story.

Today buses loaded with women from all over the world, are traveling the streets of Istanbul, looking for the history of each one of them, dreaming of finding the man who could make their love story a reality... impossible?.

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