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Courtesy of Mauge Avalos from Chile

In these special days that we are living, it seems that our life has stopped in a certain sense. We realize that we have more time to dedicate to many things that we normally did not do very often, for example communicating with friends with whom we exchange thoughts and reflections.

As part of many Engin Akyürek fan groups, I was talking with a friend a few days ago and a phrase left me spinning in my thoughts. We were talking about Engin Akyürek and she told me. "It's amazing how Engin moves the world" ...

His observation is very correct because Engin without belonging to social networks such as twitter, Instagram, and some other social network that I do not know, is presented daily. He has entered the minds of thousands of fans around the world who are dedicating minutes of their lives to him 24 hours a day.

In the letter I wrote for him, in 2016 on behalf of his fans, and which came into his hands, I told him that the dedication given to him on time was like a machine that worked 24 hours a day and it is so ... while many from us we prepare for the hours of rest, at the other end of the world a new day is presented and other fans receive the news of the moment as they are closer to Turkey.

We ask ourselves many questions ... how did this happen?

What is Engin so special that it has changed the lives of thousands of fans around the planet? What does it transmit to us? What does it possess that calms our souls just by looking at him? ...

It has allowed true friendship to emerge among many of us, it has sparked creativity, which we had hidden in some corner of our lives and which has allowed the creation of poems, reflections, paintings, collages ... etc.

I see myself as part of a great puzzle, in which each one is a piece that forms it, all contributing to make it look as beautiful as possible with sweet comments, tender and passionate poems, deep reflections in elaborate writings, beautiful paintings, delicate and ingenious collages and videos, comments dedicated to him in phrases as simple as ... ¡¡Thank you for existing !!

Engin is our dream, which we have chosen to be in our lives, I think that will keep it that way for as long as it is , and we will not replace it with another ... I imagine that most are an unconditional fan who has him in their thoughts daily, who says goodbye to him looking at the cell phone every night and who says good morning when the sun illuminates our surroundings.

As I have expressed it on some occasion, I feel that it is a privilege to have discovered him, to be part of this network that unites us in so many ways and where he is the center ...

I can conclude speaking for myself, that ENGIN AKYÜREK came into my life to stay , that my life took a different course since 5 years ago and that I am happy that this has happened ...

And on behalf of all the fans who can read my reflection, I have nothing more to say ... ¡¡ENGIN AKYÜREK ... we love you!! ...


Original link in Spanish:ürek-/2553686401559077/


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Irma Probert
Irma Probert
28 juil. 2020

Amen to that

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