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Engin Akyürek, Birthday Boy

To: Our Engin Akyurek in his 36th birthday. 

From: Herania Rojas. 

You are so special in our lives

You give us, strength and joy 

You put wings to ours hearts

We can dream no matter what.

You have the extraordinary talent

To bring out the best of anyone

You can transform yourself 

In another person, again and again .

With each new character you gives us

A new and wonderful experience 

You gave us, innocent Tekin, sweet Kerim

Lovely Omer, sad Daghan,

but we can’t  never forget Kerem and Mustafa Bey.

You have learned to use wisely 

All your charms and talents 

Your eyes, your hands, 

Your wonderful smile,

Can erase away all sorrows and pain.

You have gave us another precious gift

Is the inspiration itself 

You gave us the gift to express ourselves,

Some write , some paint, 

But  most important of all

Is to dream and “go on”.

All of that and much more

You are to us Birthday Boy

Not only an extraordinary actor

But a white heart to everyone 

You love children the most

You looks always over them

You always are trying to help

The little ones that life could hurt.

If all these reasons weren’t enough

Now you are a gifted writer! Thanks God!

You have a delicious peculiar way 

To play with words and scenes

You can easily carried us away.

For that and for many more reasons 

You are so special to us

Only one more thing, I can say, 

To wish you In all fans around the world name! ,   

A Very, Very, Happy Day!

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1 comentário

Irma Probert
Irma Probert
19 de jul. de 2020

A lovely written poem, it portrays what a lot of us are thinking. Thank you Herania and Engin

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