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Art, beauty and Engin Akyürek body song.

Cathie Hubert, Artist, writer, teacher. France.

In this world, there are people or works of art who can reach the most beautiful in us. Like instruments, their song resonate in our heart, a mirror of ourselves.

As we grow up in life, we know what speaks to our soul, what makes us tremble, dream, cry of joy. It can be a person or something in our daily life, a landscape we connect with, a little white cloud against a blue sky, a bird on a tree in summer. Sometimes, it can also be men or women, whose talent become part of our life, opening doors, changing our way of seeing things or contributing to its beauty. The poets of my life: Paul Eluard, Pablo Neruda, Nazim Hikmet, René Char amongst others. They illuminate the world with their words and touch our being in a subtle way. I love opera and the immense tenor Jonas Kaufmann, his Werther is very special to me, his voice taking us into a celestial world, universal, speaking to all. The Mahler 5th symphony adagietto, Tchaikovky’s violin concerto, Chagall ‘s paintings lovers in the sky, the blue, in the paintings of Raphael, Camille Claudel sculptures, Dostoievsky, Jane Austen novels and more… In films: Carl Dreyer ‘s movies, the absolute beauty of Won kar Wai gem “ In the mood for love”, Ariane Mouchkine “ Moliere”, “Death in Venice” by Visconti or Wim Wenders “Wings of desire”…their stories have been essential in my life and some interpreters too. Romy Schneider in “ L’important c’est d’aimer”, Louise Brooks, Juliette Binoche, Marcello Mastroianni, De Niro, Al Pacino or Brando.

And today there is Engin Akyürek. On this day 12th of October 2020, I wish to celebrate his talent. I discovered him by chance on, in Kara Para Ask ( Black, money, love). He is now the main actor in the Turkish series Sefirin Kizi ( the Ambassador’s daughter by Emre Kabakusak). I would never have though of finding such a treasure in one of those series also called “Dizi” in Turkey or Novelas in the Spanish speaking countries. And then, I saw Engin.

I want to celebrate his talent with my words, because he is a one off, immensely gifted actor, because he touches my soul. He has entered the skin of Sancar efe his flamboyant, high flying, passionate, expressionist character and doing so, brings a new dimension to the actor’s role.

He is to me like a musical instrument, a violin player, with his innate sensitivity, high notesand swift variations. Whether he overflows like a torrent, pouring out the furies and passions of his heart, or when is voice and expressions become sheer softness, he is there, present with his entire being. His hands, the rhythm of his steps, his eyes, even when turning his back to the camera, he is still speaking. He has the extraordinary ability to call in himself, the infinite partitions of human emotions, thus touching us all as human beings. His body song is unique.

His relationship with the camera (see my article: the actor and the camera) in Sefirin Kizi is flawless. The gifted actor gives himself wholeheartedly to the camera eye. Going into himself, he has the hearbreaking ability to bring his soul out in the open and give life to a character without loosing himself. One of the only living actor capable of such a direct, raw, lyrical dialogue with the camera. In Sefirin Kizi, Emre Kabakusak’s camera work reveals, exposes the truth of this outstanding actor, his inner light. Engin Akyürek gift to the world is to be able to express passion, feelings, love, prayer without holding back, throwing himself into the fire, holding the whole story in his hands. He has entered my life like music, like the moving words of a much loved poet. His artistic sensitivity, the way he acts, what he expresses, which says a lot about him as a person, moves me.

He is one of the rare few who make life more beautiful and I want to thank him for bringing more beauty into the world.

Iyi ki doğdun Sevgili Engin! Tesekkürler!

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