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4th Meeting and Book Signing with Engin Akyurek.

Courtesy of Sonia Blanco

I never imagined that I would be selected for the 4th meeting with Engin Akyurek and the Ucim Foundation. I could not believe it but, it was a reality I was there fulfilling my dream.

The day of the meeting arrived on April 26, 2019. The fans at the members of Ucim arrived at the place of the meetings. Mrs. Saadet Ozkan, Yucel Ceylan and other guests. Before the meeting began, I had the opportunity to talk with Saadet and congratulated her for the great work she does on behalf of the children. I told her that the world me more people like her to help battered children because they are the future of our society.

Ozlem, his manager and, Doruk were also there and we sat waiting for the great moment of the arrival of Engin who came through the door, very friendly and smiling. He was dressed impeccably in black, greeted everyone present with great kindness and sat down. I was next to Mahta Hussein and he was very close to me. We were all nervous and all with the cell phone in hand for the photos.

The meetings started and which want about had and them . I was the second one . I also told him that my country has great admirations for him and supports all his work. Then I asked him the following questions which is listen and very attentive .

1. Given the success of the Turkish series in Puerto Rico and your excellent work as an actor, have you considered visiting our country to promote the film?

His response was that he would consider it.

Question 2: "Do you see yourself writing a story and directing it ?"

His answer was: Sure, yes.

Question 3: "You are so charismatic which all fans admire. Which is your magic?"

Answer - Everyone started laughing and he laughed too.

They continued the questions and then we sang the birthday soon with a beautiful cake. Saadet handed a plaque to Engin and he was very happy. After the chat

we began the gifts even and the photo section . When we gave him the gifts he was loving , nice, sweet, delicate with all the fans. He took care of each one of us. with that kindness that characterizes him. He is a being of light.

Many fans to Mahta Hussein ,Maha Maha, Ucim, Artistanbul, Ozgur (interpreter) for supporting this Foundation that is doing an extraordinary job on behalf of the children. and to every one had that blessing to be with Engin Akyurek.

I will never forget this 4th meeting with our actor. He had previously shared with Mr. EnginAkyurek at the signing of the Sessizlik book in Istanbul, Turkey on Saturday December 22, 2018, in Sariyer in Istanbul at the Instinye Park Alişveriş Merkezi Shopping Center.

It was an unforgettable experience. He was very nice to all the fans. And I had the opportunity to meet girls from different countries. Something very nice that happened was that a photo was taken with all the Latinas who were there.

Thank you very much.

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